4  Resampling methods

4.1 Introduction

The Resampling Methods are indispensable to obtain additional information about a fitted model.

In this chapter, we will explore the methods:

  • Cross-validation
    • Used to estimate the test error in order to evaluate a model’s performance (model assessment).
    • The location of the minimum point in the test error curve to select between several models or find the best of level of flexibility to one model (model selection).
  • Bootstrap
    • Estimates the uncertainty associated with a given value or statistical learning method. For example, it can estimate the standard errors of the coefficients from a linear regression fit

4.2 Cross-Validation

4.2.1 Training error limitations

The training error trends to underestimate the real model’s error.

To solve that problem we can hold out a subset of the training observations from the fitting process.

4.2.2 Validation Set Approach

Splits randomly the available set of observations into two parts, a training set and a validation set.

As we split the data randomly we will have a different estimation of the error rate based on the seed set in R.

Main Characteristics Level
Accuracy in estimating the testing error Low
Time efficiency High
Proportion of data used to train the models (bias mitigation) Low
Estimation variance -

Coding example

You can learn more about tidymodels and this book in ISLR tidymodels labs by Emil Hvitfeldt.

# Loading functions and data

# Defining the model type to train
LinealRegression <- linear_reg() |>
  set_mode("regression") |>

# Creating the rplit object
AutoValidationSplit <- initial_split(Auto, strata = mpg, prop = 0.5)

AutoValidationTraining <- training(AutoValidationSplit)
AutoValidationTesting <- testing(AutoValidationSplit)

lapply(1:10, function(degree){
  recipe_to_apply <- 
    recipe(mpg ~ horsepower, data = AutoValidationTraining) |>
    step_poly(horsepower, degree = degree)
  workflow() |>
    add_model(LinealRegression) |>
    add_recipe(recipe_to_apply) |>
    fit(data = AutoValidationTraining) |>
    augment(new_data = AutoValidationTesting) |>
    rmse(truth = mpg, estimate = .pred) |>
    transmute(degree = degree,
              .estimate) }) |>
    degree .metric .estimator .estimate
 1:      1    rmse   standard  5.058317
 2:      2    rmse   standard  4.368494
 3:      3    rmse   standard  4.359262
 4:      4    rmse   standard  4.351128
 5:      5    rmse   standard  4.299916
 6:      6    rmse   standard  4.319319
 7:      7    rmse   standard  4.274027
 8:      8    rmse   standard  4.330195
 9:      9    rmse   standard  4.325196
10:     10    rmse   standard  4.579561

4.2.3 Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV)

The statistical learning method is fit on the \(n-1\) training observations, and a prediction \(\hat{y}_1\) is made for the excluded observation to calculate \(\text{MSE}_1 = (y_1-\hat{y}_1)^2\). Then it repeats the process \(n\) times and estimate the test error rate.

Based on the average of \(n\) test estimates it reports the test error rate.

\[ \text{CV}_{(n)} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n\text{MSE}_i \]

Main Characteristics Level
Accuracy in estimating the testing error High
Time efficiency Low
Proportion of data used to train the models (bias mitigation) High
Estimation variance High

Amazing shortcuts

There some cases where we can perform this technique just fitting one model with all the observations. there are listed in the next table.

Model Formula Description
Lineal or polynomial regression \(\text{CV}_{(n)} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \left( \frac{y_i - \hat{y}_i}{1-h_i} \right)^2\) - \(\hat{y}_i\): Refers to the ith fitted value from the original least squares fit.
- \(h_i\) Refers to the leverage of \(x_i\) as measure of the rarity of each value.
Smoothing splines \(\text{RSS}_{cv} (\lambda) = \sum_{i = 1}^n \left[ \frac{y_i - \hat{g}_{\lambda} (x_i)} {1 - \{ \mathbf{S_{\lambda}} \}_{ii}} \right]^2\) - \(\hat{g}_\lambda\): Refers the smoothing spline function fitted to all of the training observations.

Coding example

collect_loo_testing_error <- function(formula,
                                      metric_function = rmse,
  # Validations
  stopifnot("There is no espace between y and ~" = formula %like% "[A-Za-z]+ ")
  stopifnot("loo_split must be a data.table object" = is.data.table(loo_split))
  predictor <- sub(pattern = " .+", replacement = "", formula)
  formula_to_fit <- as.formula(formula)
  Results <-
    loo_split[, training(splits[[1L]]), by = "id"
    ][, .(model = .(lm(formula_to_fit, data = .SD))),
      by = "id"
    ][loo_split[, testing(splits[[1L]]), by = "id"],
      on = "id"
    ][, .pred := predict(model[[1L]], newdata = .SD),
      by = "id"
    ][,  metric_function(.SD, truth = !!predictor, estimate = .pred, ...) ]
  if(formula %like% "degree"){
    degree <- gsub(pattern = "[ A-Za-z,=\\~()]", replacement = "", formula)
    Results <- 
      Results[,.(degree = degree, 

# Creating the rplit object
AutoLooSplit <- loo_cv(Auto)

# Transforming to data.table

paste0("mpg ~ poly(horsepower, degree=", 1:10, ")") |>
         loo_split = AutoLooSplit) |>
    degree .metric .estimator .estimate
 1:      1    rmse   standard  4.922552
 2:      2    rmse   standard  4.387279
 3:      3    rmse   standard  4.397156
 4:      4    rmse   standard  4.407316
 5:      5    rmse   standard  4.362707
 6:      6    rmse   standard  4.356449
 7:      7    rmse   standard  4.339706
 8:      8    rmse   standard  4.354440
 9:      9    rmse   standard  4.366764
10:     10    rmse   standard  4.414854

4.2.4 k-Fold Cross-Validation

Involves randomly dividing the set of observations into k groups, or folds, of approximately equal size. The first fold is treated as a validation set, and the method is fit on the remaining \(k-1\) folds.

Based on the average of \(k\) test estimates it reports the test error rate.

\[ \text{CV}_{(k)} = \frac{1}{k} \sum_{i=1}^k\text{MSE}_i \]

Main Characteristics Level
Accuracy in estimating the testing error High
Time efficiency Regular
Proportion of data used to train the models (bias mitigation) Regular
Estimation variance Regular

According to Hands-on Machine Learning with R, as \(k\) gets larger, the difference between the estimated performance and the true performance to be seen on the test set will decrease.

Note: The book recommends using \(k = 5\) or \(k = 10\).

Coding example

AutoKFoldRecipe <- 
  recipe(mpg ~ horsepower, data = Auto) |>
  step_poly(horsepower, degree = tune())

AutoTuneReponse <-
  workflow() |>
  add_recipe(AutoKFoldRecipe) |>
  add_model(LinealRegression) |>
  tune_grid(resamples = vfold_cv(Auto, v = 10), 
            grid = tibble(degree = seq(1, 10)))

show_best(AutoTuneReponse, metric = "rmse")
# A tibble: 5 × 7
  degree .metric .estimator  mean     n std_err .config              
   <int> <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <int>   <dbl> <chr>                
1      7 rmse    standard    4.33    10   0.144 Preprocessor07_Model1
2      6 rmse    standard    4.34    10   0.143 Preprocessor06_Model1
3      8 rmse    standard    4.35    10   0.145 Preprocessor08_Model1
4      5 rmse    standard    4.35    10   0.146 Preprocessor05_Model1
5      9 rmse    standard    4.36    10   0.149 Preprocessor09_Model1

4.2.5 LOOCV vs 10-Fold CV accuracy

  • True test MSE: Blue solid line
  • LOOCV: Black dashed line
  • 10-fold CV: Orange solid line

4.3 Bootstrap

By taking many samples from a population we can obtain the Sampling Distribution of a value, but in many cases we just can get a single sample from the population. In theses cases, we can resample the data with replacement to generate many samples from one sample, creating a Bootstrap Distribution of a value.

As you can see bellow the center of the Bootstrap Distribution must of the time differs from the center of the Sampling Distribution, but its very accurate at estimating the dispersion of the value.

4.3.1 Coding example

AutoBootstraps <- bootstraps(Auto, times = 500)

boot.fn <- function(split) {
  LinealRegression |> 
    fit(mpg ~ horsepower, data = analysis(split)) |>

AutoBootstraps |>
  mutate(models = map(splits, boot.fn)) |>
  unnest(cols = c(models)) |>
  group_by(term) |>
  summarise(low = quantile(estimate, 0.025),
            mean = mean(estimate),
            high = quantile(estimate, 0.975),
            sd = sd(estimate))
# A tibble: 2 × 5
  term           low   mean   high      sd
  <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 38.5   40.0   41.7   0.851  
2 horsepower  -0.173 -0.158 -0.145 0.00734