Defines the start point for each day to simulate.
This table is a random sample of all trips in 2023, generated using the reservoir
method of duckdb with a seed of 3518, as described in vignette("02-business-understanding")
A data frame with 60 rows and 22 columns:
- trip_id
An unique indentifier for each trip.
- hvfhs_license_num
The TLC license number of the HVFHS base or business. See Details.
- dispatching_base_num
The TLC Base License Number of the base that dispatched the trip.
- originating_base_num
Base number of the base that received the original trip request.
- request_datetime
Date/time when passenger requested to be picked up.
- on_scene_datetime
Date/time when driver arrived at the pick-up location (Accessible Vehicles-only).
- pickup_datetime
The date and time of the trip pick-up.
- dropoff_datetime
The date and time of the trip drop-off.
- PULocationID
TLC Taxi Zone in which the trip began.
- DOLocationID
TLC Taxi Zone in which the trip ended.
- trip_miles
Total miles for passenger trip.
- trip_time
Total time in seconds for passenger trip.
- base_passenger_fare
Base passenger fare before tolls, tips, taxes, and fees.
- tolls
Total amount of all tolls paid in trip.
- bcf
Total amount collected in trip for Black Car Fund.
- sales_tax
Total amount collected in trip for NYS sales tax.
- congestion_surcharge
Total amount collected in trip for NYS congestion surcharge.
- airport_fee
$2.50 for both drop off and pick up at LaGuardia, Newark, and John F. Kennedy airports.
- tips
Total amount of tips received from passenger.
- driver_pay
Total driver pay (not including tolls or tips and net of commission, surcharges, or taxes).
- shared_request_flag
Did the passenger agree to a shared/pooled ride? (Y/N)
- shared_match_flag
Did the passenger share the vehicle with another passenger? (Y/N)
- access_a_ride_flag
Was the trip administered on behalf of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)? (Y/N)
- wav_request_flag
Did the passenger request a wheelchair-accessible vehicle (WAV)? (Y/N)
- wav_match_flag
Did the trip occur in a wheelchair-accessible vehicle (WAV)? (Y/N)
- performance_per_hour
Represent the return if the would have taken an hour